RM Leisure have a number of gaming arcades hosting a broad range of machines which have winning payout mechanisms. The arcades are manned with minimal staff responsible for maintaining machine cleansing between uses, client administration, money exchange amongst other administration tasks. The payouts are currently recorded in a Windows Membership app with hosted SQL database, this app was developed by Magna in 2010 and has been modified and upgraded since.
The specific aspect of recording machine payouts was quite cumbersome, involving the administrator to attend the machine armed with digital camera, taking a photograph of the machine payout display, walking back to the payout booth, connect the camera to USB lead, copy image to hard drive, create a new payment transaction, attach the image and enter the value of the payout. During this period the client was unable to play the machine. At busy times this was becoming an annoyance, therefore it was requested that we develop a quicker way of performing this function.